Friday, August 14, 2015

Send an infinite number of the SMS

كيف ترسل عدد لانهائي من الــ SMS الى أي دولة و بالمجان 
Offer you in this topic explain slidesms site, which allows you to send an infinite and free messages, works with all the countries of the world as it has been tested successfully with the Moroccan networks. Enough after your visit to the site, determine which country you want to hear from your message short text I suggest you try with your your number to make sure that they work successfully with the communication network in your country. Then you write your phone number without the zero in the Phone Number box. For example, if your number is 0667453456 66745356 so type it in the second column corresponding to the state code.
Then in Type Your Message Type your message and do not forget to write in the image CAPTCHA code before clicking Send. If the message appears green this means that the message has been sent successfully. Wait for some time and you will receive. (It may be long if there is pressure on the site) If the red color of this means that the problem occurred while sending the message.If you got a text message successfully and you want to send another message, you may find that the site prevents you from that and ask you to wait a bit before sending another message. And you can override it by clicking on the settings in the Google Chrome browser and open it enforceable Invisible Browsing incognito window and then login to the site again and you'll find you are no longer restricted to wait. I hope you like the site in this post also ask the brothers rush out into consideration when he published blog entries such as this there is a large number of visitors is a pressure on Aserڤr which offers the service, so if you did not open you the site or was browsing slow or did not reach a short text message in your phone tried to re-enter the site later Reetma hide pressure Thank you.Site: slidesms

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