Friday, August 14, 2015

Collections adding new network on Google Plus

Surprises giant Google are endless and never-ending, Google has unveiled a new feature and add to the social network Google Plus and is a feature Collections and some may consider it once issued best additions and features that Google has to launch since the launch of the social network since years, as the new addition Collections that are now available on Google Plus came very wonderful and all users the features they need.

Collections إضافة جديدة على شبكة Google Plus

New Collections feature allows you to create, manage and organize what you are doing on Google Plus network is very strong manner as also lets you share what you are organized, but how do you do it?

 Collections إضافة جديدة على شبكة Google Plus 

Collections new feature that has added to Google's social network Google Plus you can create your own group which put all publications, pictures and videos as well as your favorite so you can refer to it at any time without quickly re-search them again, and that you can control your group fully where you can add the cover and a picture of your group and can also be for the rest of other users on the network Google Plus follow your group by subscribing to the property.

Collections إضافة جديدة على شبكة Google Plus

Collections feature Perry users to network Google Plus should have been available for a long time because it is a good way to organize their social network users are able suits them. 

Using the new Collections feature which has become Google's launching now you can create a private all the things you like. If you set, for example, who are interested in technology and informatics You can create a private technology and informatics where he put all publications and technical pictures and videos Collections group so go back to it whenever you want and you can if you are interested in the field of another that you create Collections group also has and thus becomes you have many groups that store everything that draws your attention inside and also Others familiarized themselves with the your favorite things that you add to the group and Mtbah new works constantly along with property Mjuatk post, all this and more just by Collections feature.
ميزة Collections

Collections feature added to Google Plus networks is a good move by Google as Google seeks to activate the social network in light of the decline whom I have known and occupation Facebook site and Twitter ranks first in terms of social networking, and is expected to be a new feature that has Google CollectionsIt added a strong boost to its network and promote social climb even out a bit more than the rate of active users on Google Plus network.



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